With attackers always wanting to find a great opportunity to steal your information and identity, I was curious how diligent everyone is with their password management.
Are you someone that regularly changes passwords to keep evil-doers on their toes? Or do you throw caution to the wind and keep them the same?
Hopefully you all change them with some amount of frequency, or make use of password managers out there to help aid in this.
Leave a comment on the post to discuss your thoughts on how regularly someone should!
So far it looks like everyone is keeping up to date with their passwords, definitely a smart decision! It could be argued that changing passwords more frequently is advised, but, depending on how complex your passwords typically are it may not be COMPLETELY necessary. I’d also strongly recommend a password management service to help keep them up to date and help with complexity. Honestly in this day and age the best password is one that even YOU don’t know.