Cybersecurity is like the brakes on your car…
You might see that statement above and think “How in the WORLD is cybersecurity like the brakes in your car”?
To which I would reply with another question: What are the brakes in your car FOR?
I imagine most of you might have some variation of the same answer, I know I did when I was asked this years ago.
“CLEARLY the brakes in your car are what let you slow down…right?”
But what if I said that the brakes are actually what let you go FASTER? Crazy, I know. But it’s a lot more true than you might realize. I know for certain that I wouldn’t go NEARLY as fast as I do on the interstate, if I didn’t know the brakes were there to let me get off the highway safely. How fast would you let yourself go, if you had nothing to stop with? Your security online is no different at all.
Would you trust all of the websites that you give your personal information to if there weren’t things like passwords, encrypted emails, secure servers, and all of the layers of defense that IT professionals around the world implement in our day to day lives? Things we take for granted every day: the credit card number we give to our favorite food delivery service, the home loan site that asks for your Social Security Number, even your social media site of choice asking for your email address or phone number.
Would you trust any of that with them, if there weren’t systems in place to protect you every step of the way? Just like the brakes we rely on for our daily commutes, the entirety of the cybersecurity world enables us to live in a light speed digital age with minimal fear. It was the revelation of that lesson that inspired me to create Baba Labs.
Baba Labs came from a simple goal: I want the knowledge and resources that were provided to me to be just as readily accessible to others as they were for me. I have been incredibly fortunate to meet and learn from a plethora of experts in a variety of facets in the greater Information Technology field; and that is what I want Baba Labs to be. I aim to create a premier community and collaborative hub for anyone with a passionate curiosity for what this field has to offer. And I want to emphasize the aspect of the COMMUNITY that comes with it. While I hope to provide you all with a curated flow of guides, discoveries, and tidbits of knowledge that can help anyone.
Whether you are a veteran in the field, or someone just getting their toes wet and seeing if this is for you, I hope you all will find something of value here. I am excited to see what we can really create together, and how vast our melting pot of knowledge can grow.
-Baba Out!